Testimonials & Case Studies

Headshot of Liz King, owner of Pub Doctors
Liz King, Founder of Pub Doctors
“I have a small limited company with 5 employees and needed some HR help. I was struggling to do it myself and before I engaged Liz   I was concerned about the costs involved of employing someone to help me. Now I  definitely think of it an investment. I can now focus on growing my business with one less thing to worry about. The peace of mind of having someone at your side is priceless and the staff love it. Liz was recommended to me by another business at my local network group. Liz is a great support to me as a small business owner. She is always available to help when I need her. She has helped me improve my in house HR procedures to keep me legal and up to date. She prepares my employment contracts when I need them and deals with ad hoc queries from the staff when they arise.   Liz is now part of the team.”
Kyle T, East Sussex

“Liz has been amazing to me through our coaching sessions. She really listens to what I’m saying and remembers months later. I feel like my confidence has grown enormously with Liz’s support and if I’m having a down day she knows just what to say to get everything back in perspective and set a plan in place to move things forward. Liz’s business knowledge and background is very useful as she can relate to most problems I talk to her about and tell me about her own experiences which in turn help me plan my strategies.”

Sam Y, Operational Manager, Gloucestershire

Case Study – The Bedes Lea

When Liz took the Bede’s Lea on with her business partners in 2015, it didn’t seem to have a lot going for it, apart from a healthy barrelage.  The pub was rundown and dirty, it had some very disinterested staff and there was a real drug problem.

The venue was a typical estate pub, with no real passing trade and it was not known for its food offering.

Liz and her business partners worked with Punch to transform the pub over a four week period and turned it into a modern looking eatery. It was a real transformation, from dingy pub to an airy and welcoming space which locals could be proud of. 

On the opening night, the pub sold over a thousand pints of beer alone, and the venue was packed.  With a 7-day-a-week carvery and a busy live music programme, the community soon got on board and supported the pub.

A year later, Liz submitted an application to the Great British Pub Awards in the Best Turnaround Category.  Citing the change in venue, increased profitability, hardworking staff team, big efforts at PR and  great social media presence and a busy restaurant, the judges were impressed.

The pub was awarded the Best Turnaround venue in the South East and were finalists in the national awards.

The local parish councillor told the local newspaper “It’s really well run, it’s the hub of the community“. 

Several years later, the business was approached by Punch Taverns who bought the pub lease back for a healthy fee.

Liz and team outside the Bede's Lea pub
A picture of the Bede's Lea pub from the front, with customers enjoying a sunny pint or two.
Liz and the team inside the Bedes Lea pub.

Ready to enhance your HR strategy and transform your workforce? Contact Pub Doctor ® today to learn more about how our HR services can help you build a stronger, more resilient hospitality business.