Employing Under 18’s Policy


Ensure compliance and protect your business with our Employing Under 18’s Policy Template. This easy-to-use document covers all legal requirements, including working hours and health and safety guidelines, for hiring young workers in licensed premises.


Employing Under 18’s Policy

The Employing Under 18’s Policy Template is a comprehensive and customisable document designed to help licensed hospitality businesses comply with legal requirements when hiring young workers to work in licensed premises. This template covers essential guidelines, including working hours, health and safety considerations, and parental consent requirements. With clear and concise language, this policy ensures that your organisation provides a safe and supportive environment for young persons, while also protecting your hospitality business from potential legal risks. This template is an invaluable resource for managing the complexities of youth employment.

You will receive a download of the six-paged Policy Template in Microsoft Word so you can tweak in line with your business requirements, and any additional stipulations for the Local Authority your business operates in.


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This template has been created in good faith by a HR and hospitality expert. However, please note that we are not H&S specialists, and this document should not be considered legal advice. It is crucial that you adapt any of our templates to fit your specific business. While the information is accurate and up-to-date at the time of writing, please be aware that legislation changes regularly. We recommend that you review the content periodically to ensure continued compliance with the latest laws and regulations. If you have any specific needs to address, please consult with a legal professional.  Pub Doctors® cannot be held responsible for any amendments or omissions you have made or for any actions taken based on the information provided.

The image is used for illustrative purposes only and is not part of the actual policy document.

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