Comprehensive Business Audits

Maximise Profitability & Ensure Compliance

At Pub Doctors®, we recognise that every detail counts when it comes to the success of your venue. Our comprehensive business audit service is designed to scrutinise every aspect of your pub, restaurant, or hotel, ensuring that not only are you compliant with the latest regulations, but you’re also maximising your space and profitability. Using our extensive 230+ point checklist, gained from years of operational experience, we cover everything from kerb appeal to business efficiencies.

What We Examine

Our audit goes beyond the surface to evaluate critical areas that impact guest experience and operational success:

  • Customer First Impressions: We assess  kerb appeal to ensure your venue appears welcoming.
  • Service and Hospitality: We observe staff interactions, service speed, and overall hospitality to gauge how welcoming your team is.
  • Compliance Checks: From premises licenses to health and safety signage, we check that you are meeting your operator requirements. 
  • Operational Efficiency: We dive into back-of-house operations, including kitchen cleanliness, stock rotation, and staff knowledge.
  • Food and Beverage Management: We review your menu, condiment availability and bar setup to ensure optimal guest service.
  • Maintenance and Cleanliness: We inspect your premises for cleanliness and upkeep, ensuring your venue meets the highest standards.
Picture of a pub at the top of a windy narrow lane

How We Help

  • Detailed Reporting: Post business audit, you receive a comprehensive report detailing our findings, complete with recommendations for improvements and best practices.
  • Tailored Advice: Our expertise in the hospitality industry allows us to provide specific advice on how to use your space more effectively, enhance customer satisfaction, and increase profitability.
  • Follow-Up Support: We offer follow-up consultations to discuss the implementation of our recommendations and further assistance with any adjustments needed.
A chef plating food in the kitchen

Benefits of Choosing Our Business Audit

  • Enhanced Guest Experience: Our audit identifies key areas for improvement that can significantly enhance the overall guest experience, making your venue a preferred choice for patrons.
  • Increased Efficiency: By pinpointing operational inefficiencies, we help you streamline processes and reduce costs, directly boosting your bottom line.
  • Compliance Assurance: Avoid fines and costly tribunals by having a review of the main legislative requirements for the sector.
  • Strategic Insights: With our detailed analysis and strategic insights, you can make informed decisions that foster long-term growth and sustainability.

Ready to transform your venue into a top-performing, compliant, and guest-favourite destination? Contact Pub Doctors® today to schedule your comprehensive business audit.

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