Performance & Capability Management Procedure


A detailed guide for managing and improving employee performance, including a template action plan. Perfect for hospitality businesses and a solid tool to help you manage poorly performing employees.


Our Performance & Capability Management Procedure is a comprehensive guide designed to help hospitality managers and business owners effectively address and improve employee performance. This procedure outlines clear steps for identifying performance issues, setting realistic expectations, and providing support through training and development. It includes a template action plan and takes you through the procedure, ensuring a fair and consistent approach. Ideal for maintaining high standards and fostering employee growth within your organisation.

You will receive a Word document of the procedure, so you can customise it to suit your business. (Please note the image is for illustration purposes only).

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This template has been created in good faith by a HR and hospitality expert. However, please note that we are not employment lawyers, and this document should not be considered legal advice. It is crucial that you adapt any of our templates to fit your specific business. While the information is accurate and up-to-date at the time of writing, please be aware that employment legislation changes regularly. We recommend that you review the content periodically  to ensure continued compliance with the latest laws and regulations. If you have any specific needs to address, please consult with a legal professional.  Pub Doctors® cannot be held responsible for any amendments or omissions you have made or for any actions taken based on the information provided.

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